
individual therapy —teens

I’ve noticed with the digital age 12 seems like the new 20. An advantage I have in working with minors and teens is staying totally up to date with the latest social media and digital trends, this gives us something to connect on and is also a great way for me to learn about their social life and pressure they receive through media.

When working with this age group, I take extra attention to detail. This means I’m going to notice what they’re wearing and what their sense of style means to them, what music they listen to, and really create space for them to be and feel seen. My commitment to continue being “woke” has really helped me bond and work with this population.

Sometimes, stress in a minor’s life can intertwine in their relationship with their parents. Although we may see presenting symptoms like body image issues or social anxiety, I always have my antennas up to read when it would be helpful to involve parents. However, it is super common that this age group wants therapy to be a private, safe space for them and really don’t need much involvement from parents. I see minors in therapy with the same lens I see adults. they are only years away from becoming legal adults and I craft a treatment plan that will set them up for success in the future as well as addressing opportunities for immediate improvement and relief.